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The Art of Marriage Seminar

09.09.12 | Compassionate Ministry

    2. Article. News. Art of Marriage

    Come join us for a DVD based marriage refresher! The Art of Marriage is a new and innovative, fresh and honest look at the issues all marriages face. This DVD seminar is not a lecture. Instead it is a highly engaging visual and audio opportunity for couples to take some time to focus on their relationship. Couples will watch a 50 minute topic and then have an opportunity to discuss personally some of the topics raised as a couple. All marriages need encouragement and this tool has already motivated many across the U.S. to communicate more authentically and intimately. It is also in production right now for future availability here in China with Mandarin subtitles.

    The Art of Marriage uses drama, interviews, Bible teachers and testimonies of real couples being vulnerable to communicate in a artistically creative way. It is biblically based and open to all English speakers.

    It is Friday night and all day Saturday, Sept. 21-22. RSVP to Melinda ( ). Cost will be around 300 RMB per couple.